Precision Medicine Patient Stories

Patient Stories

Patient A Story
Patient B Story
Patient C Story
Patient A: Clear Skies Ahead: A Flight Attendant's Triumph Over Prostate Cancer with Precision Oncology


Patient A, a 66-year-old flight attendant, is no stranger to life's unexpected routes. His career has taken him across the globe. Still, a personal journey he hadn't charted was his battle with prostate cancer—a condition that ran in his family.

The Role of Precision Medicine in Diagnosis

When Patient A's routine PSA test numbers rose from a comfortable 2 ng/ml to a concerning 6 ng/ml, he faced his family's history head-on. His doctor recommended an MRI, a precision tool that offers a detailed look at the body's internal landscape. This sophisticated imaging technology allowed his medical team to capture high-resolution images of his prostate, leading to an accurate and precise diagnosis without guesswork. It wasn't an immediate process, and the wait was tough, but when the results came in, they were clear. There were signs of cancer in Patient A's prostate.

Robotic Surgery: A Precision Approach to Treatment

Choosing treatment wasn't easy, but Patient A's doctor presented him with a state-of-the-art option: robotic surgery. This isn't science fiction; it's precision oncology. Robotic surgery is a less invasive technique that allows surgeons to operate with greater accuracy and control. For Patient A, this meant a surgery that targeted just the cancer, aiming to leave everything else untouched. It was about getting the problem without causing new ones—a kind of surgical finesse that only the latest medical advancements could provide.

PSMA PET/CT: Precision Monitoring Pre- and Post-Surgery

Before his surgery, Patient A had a PSMA PET/CT scan. This scan is not just a regular test but a GPS for cancer cells. It uses a special dye that attaches and binds firmly to prostate cancer cells wherever they may be in the body and lights up on the scan. This meant his doctors could be sure the cancer hadn't spread, and that surgery was the right move.

After his successful robotic surgery, another PSMA PET/CT scan offered him and his doctors a meticulous post-treatment analysis. This follow-up was crucial, offering the precise monitoring needed to confirm the effectiveness of his treatment. When the scan showed no signs of cancer spreading, Patient A knew that his journey on this unexpected route was taking a turn for the better.

Patient’s Insight into Precision Medicine

Patient A's experience with prostate cancer highlights the power and promise of precision medicine. It's about getting the proper treatment tailored to you at the right time. From the MRI at the start to the robotic surgery and the PSMA PET/CT scans, allowed the doctors to zero in on the cancer as precisely as possible.

Patient A's Takeaway and Conclusion

Patient A's journey through prostate cancer, navigated with the precision tools of modern medicine, demonstrates the transformative impact of precision oncology. From accurate diagnosis with MRI technology to targeted treatment via robotic surgery and vigilant post-operative monitoring with PSMA PET/CT scans, his experience demonstrated the crucial role of tailored, timely interventions. Precision medicine provides the best navigation tools to equip you and your doctors a clearer map, from finding the problem and ensuring it's gone.

“It made my journey less daunting and got me back to doing what I love—seeing the world and enjoying my family. So, trust in these tools and use them. They can really make a difference." Patient A’s story stands as a beacon of hope, encouraging others facing similar challenges to embrace these advancements and trust in their potential to shape brighter outcomes.

Patient B: Prostate Cancer Precision Medicine: Precisely Managing Treatment Options and Survivorship


At 65 years old, a former football star who once dominated on the field faced one of the toughest opponents of his life: stage IV prostate cancer. Known for his strength and resilience, he was determined to bring those qualities to his fight against a disease that sought to claim his life.

The Initial Battle

Initially diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2016, he underwent hormone therapy which held the cancer at bay for a while. However, in 2019, the cancer became resistant and began to grow spreading throughout his body causing severe pain and limiting his independence.

A Tough Call

Despite his healthcare team’s suggestion of hospice care, the laughter and joy of his grandchildren reminded him of past victories and the fight still left in him.  Not ready to surrender, he chose to persevere, unwilling to leave the game of life just yet.

Change in the Game Plan

Seeking hope, he traveled to Austria for targeted radiotherapy, a more precise approach akin to a quarterback targeting a receiver in the corner of the end zone.

The Comeback

After just a month of this new treatment, his pain diminished, and his mobility increased. He was thereafter able to walk two miles a day and he felt like his old self again. By the time the four-month treatment was done, not only was he walking ten miles, but also took a break to see the Eiffel Tower, symbolizing his personal victory and renewed zest for life.

Back Home and Back in the Game

Now back in the US, he's not just watching from the sidelines. He's back playing league basketball, sharing laughs, and making memories with his grandchildren. He's not just surviving; he's living.

Staying Vigilant

Following his remarkable recovery, he remains vigilant with ongoing androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and regularly scheduled PSMA PET/CT scans. ADT effectively lowers male hormone levels, slowing or stopping the growth of prostate cancer cells. While, the PSMA PET/CT scan, a cutting-edge diagnostic tool, enable the early detection of cancer recurrence or metastasis. This dual treatment and screening approach allows for a comprehensive review of his condition and allow for timely adjustments to his treatment plan. Through these measures, his care is precisely tuned, ensuring optimal survivorship management.

A Few Words from Those in The Game

"If I could share a piece of advice, it’d be this: don't lose hope, and don't stop fighting. There are new treatments out there, treatments that can hit the cancer where it hurts without taking you down. It might be a hard play, but it's worth it. Look at my story, I have gone from barely making it to the bathroom to running up and down a basketball court. Keep your head in the game, and make sure to keep an eye on your health with regular check-ups. They could give you a chance to get back out there and live life to the fullest."

In conclusion, this story of this former football star turned cancer conqueror serves as a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and the advancement in medical sciences. Through adversity, he found strength, embracing new treatments, and refusing to let cancer sideline him. His journey reminds us all never to lose hope, to keep fighting and to cherish every moment of life.

Patient C: Prostate Cancer Precision Medicine: Precisely Managing Treatment Options and Survivorship


Meet Patient C, a 68-year-old man passionate about teaching, learning, and exploring new scientific discoveries. His life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His journey underscores a pivotal shift from traditional "one-size-fits-all" medical care to personalized, precision medicine in treating prostate cancer.

Discovering the Unexpected

The journey into the unknown began during a routine check-up for Patient C. A PSA test indicated a rise in his PSA levels from 2.7 to 5.2. After a discussion with his healthcare provider (HCP), he opted for an MRI scan, revealing irregularities in his prostate. This led to a biopsy, which confirmed a high-risk disease. However, it was unclear if the cancer was confined to the prostate. Seeking deeper understanding, Patient C underwent genetic testing, which offered profound insights into the genetic characteristics of his cancer.

The Power of Precision Diagnosis

Armed with genetic insights after consultation with his genetic counselor, Patient C and his HPC explored treatment options. They settled on a targeted therapy plan, informed by the genetic test results showing BRCA1/2 mutations. These mutations meant that his cancer would be more responsive to PARP inhibitors, which are drugs that have been designed to attack cancer cells with specific genetic alterations.

Seeing the Unseen

Before commencing the treatment, cutting-edge imaging technology, specifically a PSMA PET/CT scan, mapped out the exact location of the cancer cells. This newly FDA-approved procedure, uses a biomarker to pinpoint prostate cancer cells throughout the body with remarkable accuracy, ensuring that the treatment targets cancerous areas.

The Treatment Journey

Patient C's treatment approach exemplifies the essence of prostate cancer precision medicine. It offered a personalized approach, allowing for greater treatent accuracy. Furthermore, he incorporates a personalized approach at managing survivorship, every six (6) months he gets a PSA test and if his PSA level is found to be abnormal receives a PSMA PET/CT scan. This approach guarantees the early detection for prostate cancer recurrence.


Patient C's fight against prostate cancer is a powerful endorsement for precision medicine. From diagnosis to treatment, his care was customized, transforming a daunting experience into a structured and manageable journey.

Patient C's Message of Hope

Reflecting on his experience, Patient C emphasizes the transformative impact of precision medicine. "This journey has highlighted the immense value of personalized treatment. It's not just about combating cancer; it's about doing so with the best tools and knowledge available. His advice is to embrace these advancements.

"They represent not only the future of prostate cancer treatment but also play a roll at managing survivorship, detecting prostate cancer recurrence as early as one possibly can.”

Patient C's story is inspirational and a call-to-action for those facing similar prostate cancer journeys. It reminds us that, with personalized care and the latest advancements in precision medicine, there is always a pathway forward and we must stay hopeful.


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